War of Omens Wiki

Infighting a Metris Murder card

The Metris faction generally revolves around stealing cards and resources from their opponent's deck. Their unique mechanic is that their cards are, by default, destroyed after depletion/use or death. However, this can be prevented with Clever Planning or via Theodox's passive ability. Underlings all have innate 50% chance to save themselves from destruction, and Consolidate gives extra chance for that.

Metris heroes tend to be centered around controlling the opponent's actions, by stealing their cards from their deck or removing them from their bank.

Metris heroes also have the highest direct damage capabilities, but care must be taken to not overplay your bank, as Metris heroes don't build up their inventory as other factions do. Direct Damage based decks tend to be one of the favored means for farming skirmishes as they can provide a relatively steady and speedy output.


Heroes of Metris
Hero Ability Rarity Card
Valdorian Each turn: 35% chance: Draw a card from your foe's deck
Play foe's coin, 35%: +1 Icongoldcoin
Uncommon Stratagem
Theodox 20% chance: Prevent destruction of card you control. Scarce Mayhem
Birondelle When you buy a card, 15% chance: Restock bank from foe's deck Rare Stolen Plans

Intercept 25% of attacks.
When attacked: 20%: retaliate

RarityGem5 Tavern Wench
Loquori When foe gains a resource 5% chance to steal it Kickstarter None



Metris' Murder Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Ambush Common 4

Attack foe's hero x3
Ignores intercept
Destroy after use

Infighting Common 4

Enemies attack each other
No enemies: Restock bank
Destroy after use

Waylay Common 4

Attack weakest x3
Ignores intercept
Destroy after use

Belladonna Uncommon 5

Duration: 6
On turn: Attack hero
Ignores intercept
Destroy after use

Coup de Grâce Uncommon 8

For each card you control: Attack foe's hero x2
Destroy after use

Satchel Bomb Uncommon 6

In 2 turns: attack x6
Destroy after use

Arson Scarce 7

Foe loses 7 resources
Attack for 7 minus each lost
Destroy after use

Barrel Bomb Scarce 10

In 3 turns: attack x11
Destroy after use

Hemlock Scarce 9

Duration: 6
On turn: Attack hero x2
Ignores intercept
Destroy after use

Arsenic Rare 12

On turn, for each poison: Attack hero
Ignores intercept

Wagon Bomb Rare 14

In 3 turns: attack x16
Destroy after use




Discard everyone's allies
Or if no enemies: 4x attack
Destroy after use


Metris' Conspiracy Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Curry Favor Common 2

+3 Iconfood2
Destroy after use

Deceit Common 2

Draw 2 cards from foe
Destroy after use

Misdirect Common 4

Intercept 2 attacks
Rediect attack to foe
Destroy after use

Consolidate Uncommon 3

Duration: 5 turns
On turn: Heal hero/allies
50%: save destroyed ally
Destroy after use

Subterfuge Uncommon 6

For 6 turns: Draw a card from foe
Destroy after use

Undermine Uncommon 2

For 2 turns: Foe draws 1 fewer cards
Destroy after use

Coordinate Scarce 5

+2 charges to Metris cards
Reduce bomb timers by 1
Destroy after use

Frame Scarce 8

Intercept 5 attacks
Redirect attack to foe
Destroy after use

Seduce Scarce 4

Control a random enemy
If no enemeies: +2 Skull
Destroy after use

Clever Planning Rare 3

The next card you destroy returns to your inventory
Destroy after use

Infiltrate Rare 10 Each Turn: Draw a card from foe



Take an extra turn
Max 2 consecutive turns
Destroy after use


Metris' Espionage Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Robbery Common 3

Steal 2 resources
Destroy after use

Sabotage Common 2

Foe loses 2 resources
Destroy after use

Surveillance Common 4

For 3 turns: +1 Skull
Destroy after use

Embezzle Uncommon 4

For 4 turns: Steal 1 random resource
Destroy after use

Impersonate Uncommon 2

Draw a random card from foe's hand
Destroy after use

Reconnaissance Uncommon 7

For 3 turns: +2 Skull
Destroy after use

Forgery Scarce 4

Next card foe buys: Gains a copy
Destroy after use

Ransack Scarce 6 Draw 3 cards from foe

Steal one, if coin +6 Icongoldcoin
Destroy after use

Burglary Rare 6

Draw a non-coin from foe
Destroy after use

Misinformation Rare 4

Pick a card in foe's bank: Destroy it.
Destroy after use

Stolen Plans



Select a card from foe's bank Restock a copy
Destroy after use


Metris' Underling Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Brute Uncommon 6

On turn: Attack x2
50%: destroy on death

Informant Uncommon 4

On buy: restock espionage
On turn: Draw from foe
50%: destroy on death

Assassin Scarce 4

On turn/when you gain Skull: Attack weakest
50%: destroy on death

Bodyguard Scarce 5

50%: destroy on death

Brigand Scarce 5 Life Life

On turn: steal 1 resource

For each failed steal: Attack 50%: destroy when killed

Lackey Scarce 3 Life

On play: restock underling
Duplicate hero's ability
50%: destroy on death

Apothecary Rare 4

On feed Icongoldcoin: restock poison.
On turn: fully heal allies
50%: destroy on death

Charlatan Rare 4

On turn/feed gold: +1 charge
3 charges: restock from foe
50%: destroy on death

Condottiere Rare 6 LifeOn turn/activate: attack

On feed Icongoldcoin: +1 charge

2 charges: attack, restock war

50%: destroy on death

Cutpurse Rare 4

On turn: Steal 1 resource
5%: steal gained resource
50%: destroy on death

Tavern Wench



On turn: control weakest. No enemies: +1 Skull
50%: destroy on death
