War of Omens Wiki

The Courtesan one of the Power cards of Vespitole

The Vespitole are one of the four factions in War of Omens, and the only faction so far with a single player campaign. The unique aspect of all Vespitole cards is that they draw another card, allowing for the potential of infinite combos later in a match as a result of cycling.

While the ten coins you start with in your deck inhibit the infinite combo, it is possible with patience and strategy to get an infinite combo running. As It requires a minimum of 2 turns without using a coin you have to prepare when you wish to go infinite by ensuring you have a good economy.


Vespitole has 4 heroes available in the game, as well as two more that were available to Kickstarter backers. Captain Listrata is one of the starting heroes in the game, the others can be gotten from booster packs.

Heroes of Vespitole
Hero Ability Rarity Card
Captain Listrata Each turn: +1 Iconfood2 Starter Merchant Guild
Sofocatro Each turn: +1 Skull Scarce Spy Network
Cardinal Pocchi Each turn: +1 Icongoldcoin Rare Tithe
Sister Ysadora When Ysadora attacks,

75% chance: +1 life

RarityGem5 Lead the Charge
Madam Aline Start with 2 Courtesan

(Instead of coins)

Kickstarter None
Regent Marsh Feed an ally, 50% chance:

That ally attacks

Kickstarter None


Vespitole's cards are divided into four categories: Power, Prosperity, Faith and War.


The cards in the Power category are mainly concerned with generating skulls and removing resources from the enemy.

Vestpitole's Power Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Courtesan Common 6 Life

On turn +2Skull

Feed: +1 Skull.
On play: Draw a card.

Courtly Intrigue Common 6 Draw a card.

+1 Skull

Embargo Common 6 Draw a card.

Foe loses 1 resource.

Bounty Uncommon 9 Draw a card.

For each Icongoldcoin: Attack.
Lose all Icongoldcoin.

Bureaucrat Uncommon 7 Life

On turn/feed: Foe loses 1 resource.
On play: Draw a card

Masquerade Ball Uncommon 9 Draw a card

+2 Skull.

Corruption Scarce 13 Draw a card.
+1 Skull

For each Skull: +1 Icongoldcoin

Usury Scarce 5 Draw a card.

Foe gains 6 Icongoldcoin
On turn: Foe pays you 2 Icongoldcoin
Duration: 4 turns

Bribery Scarce 5 Draw a card.

Discard any enemy ally
Pay 1 Icongoldcoin per Life

Tribute Rare 12 Draw a card.

+1 each: Iconmagic, Skull, Icongoldcoin, Iconfood2.

Spy Network Hero (Sofocatro) 10 Draw a card.

For each ally: +1 Skull.


The cards in the Prosperity category are mainly concerned with generating gold and food.

Vestpitole's Prosperity Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Collect Taxes Common 6

Draw a card.
+1 Icongoldcoin

Serf Common 4

On play: Draw a card

Spice Route Common 6

Draw a card.
+1 Iconfood2.

Vintner Common 6


feed 2 Icongoldcoin + 1 Iconfood2
On turn: +2 Iconfood2.
On play: Draw a card.

Wealthy Patron Common 6

On turn +2Icongoldcoin

Feed: +1 Icongoldcoin
On play: Draw a card.

Fief Uncommon 9

Draw a card
+2 Icongoldcoin

Loan Uncommon 5

Draw a card.
Gain 8 Icongoldcoin.
Pay 8 back over 4 turns.

Trade Company Uncommon 9

Draw a card.
+2 Iconfood2.

Harvest Scarce 10

Draw a card.
For each ally: +1 Iconfood2.

Banker Rare 8

On turn: For each coin in hand: +1 Icongoldcoin
On play: Draw a card.

Merchant Guild Hero
(Captain Listrata)

Draw a card.

+1 Iconfood2
For each Iconfood2: +1 Icongoldcoin.


The cards in the Faith category are mainly concerned with generating magic, but also have some powerful wide reaching card-effects.

Vestpitole's Faith Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Prayer Uncommon 7

Draw a card.
+1 Iconmagic.

Supplicant Uncommon 7

On turn/feed: +1 Iconmagic
On play: Draw a card.

Benediction Scarce 11

Draw a card.
Activate all allies.

Devotion Scarce 10

Draw a card.
+2 Iconmagic

Malediction Scarce 11

Draw a card.
For each enemy: Attack

Sibylline Scrolls Scarce 6

Draw 3 cards.
Play one, discard the others.

Synod Scarce 7

Draw a card.
For 3 turns, restock your bank.

Bishop Rare 10

On turn: +1 each Iconmagic, Skull, Icongoldcoin, Iconfood2.
On play: Draw a card.

Holy Wrath Rare 14

Draw a card.

For each Iconmagic: Attack

Inquisitor Rare 14

On turn/feed: attack weakest, +1 Skull.
On play: Draw a card.

Liturgy Rare 11

Draw a card.
For each ally: +1 Iconmagic

Tithe Hero (Cardinal Pocchi) 10

Draw a card.
For each ally: +1 Icongoldcoin


The cards in the War category are mainly concerned with preventing and inflicting attacks.

Vestpitole's War Cards
Name Rarity Cost Effect
Militia Common 6

Intercepts, 25% retaliate.
On turn/feed: attack
On play: draw a card

Ballista Uncommon 6

On turn: attack x2
On play: draw a card

Marshal Uncommon 8

On turn: activate all allies
On play: draw a card

Mercenary Uncommon 8

Intercepts, 50% retaliate
On turn/feed: attack
On play: draw a card

Palisade Uncommon 5

Draw a card.
Intercept 2 attacks.

Catapult Scarce 8

On turn: attack x3
Ignores intercept
On play: draw a card

Rampart Scarce 9

Draw a card.
Intercept 4 attacks.

Soldier Scarce 10

Intercepts, 75% retaliate.
On turn/feed: attack
On play: draw a card

Knight Rare 12

Intercepts, retaliates.
On turn/feed: attack
On play: draw a card

Warship Rare 14

On turn: attack x5
On play: Draw a card.

Lead the Charge Hero (Sister Ysadora) 8

Draw a card.
Attack x2
Ignores intercept
